
Robotic Process Automation: Delivering Major Business Impact for Improving Process Quality

Robotic Process Automation: Delivering Major Business Impact for Improving Process Quality

March 15, 2019 at 01:00 PM

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is an emergent technology which is another form of business process automation. RPA strives to enable and empower organizations to automate tasks across systems and applications.

RPA: A Virtual Integration of Multiple Systems

RPA will allow users to look way ahead and is established on the notion of Artificial intelligence workers and robot technology. RPA is expected to bring a virtual integration of multiple systems while doing work efficiently and accurately.

In layman terms, the drastic lessening of human work and effort by engaging robotics is what rapid automation means.

Limitations to Areas Where Rapid Automation is Applied

There are a few limitations to areas where rapid automation can be effectively applied. For instance, the manufacturing industry has mostly benefitted with the employment of industrial robots. This has not only created higher production but has also improved the standard of quality. The RPA robots have also made a mark in improving accuracy, processing time in business and workflow processes that involve dull and repetitive tasks in back-office tasks.

Jobocalypse: Changing Face of Robotics

Because of this current business climate, we keep hearing the term Jobocalypse, coined to describe the rapidly changing face of robotics.

It is also used to describe how it will revolutionize employment and herald the end of human jobs and how robots will replace them. However, the state of Jobocalypse is nowhere in sight as of now as industry experts look at the RPA in a different light altogether.

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When an organization embarks on an RPA project, it weighs in automation with the ability to make a decision. Most organizations firstly must identify work which can be automated and then reorient the human resources for jobs that need human judgment.

RPA Platform Tools

To harness the power of automation, Artificial Intelligence, and other disruptive technologies, RPA tools can help significantly to automate an organizations business processes .

Blue Prism, UiPath, and Automation Anywhere are some of the RPA platform tools that have made a mark through their advanced RPA software.

These tools can eliminate manual and processing work and enhance business logic and structure across an organizations business processes. RPA tools can streamline and reduce time and eliminate errors.

Rapid Automation is Delivering Major Business Impact

According to industry sources, rapid automation is delivering significant business impact for improving process quality across the broad industries using six sigma concepts which were earlier based on scaling, sizing, offshoring, cost-cutting, etc.

Plans for Utilization in a Rapidly Changing Environment

There are certain limitations to the usage of robots in the daily sphere of work as well as in niche areas also. Users of RPA must firstly identify the right area of work where robots can be effectively used. They must also make plans for their utilization in a rapidly changing environment.

Strategic Use of Robotics

Organizations must estimate each process and then comb out the repetitive activities. Those activities can be allocated for robotic automation.This will, in turn, will help in strategically utilizing robotics in standard nomenclature of work.

RPA helps Achieve Maximum Impact on Business

Automated processes are expected to increase base productivity, aided by accuracy, regulatory compliance, etc.

Robotic automation must employ tools that can help it to achieve maximum impact on business and increase its ability and agility in response to the technology shift.

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