eCommerce platform development for Cold Storage

Digital (e) Commerce Solution for Cold Storage

Digital (e) Commerce Solution for Cold Storage

The Solution and its features: Web Synergies worked on a custom built solution on top of its existing digital commerce engine. The solution had the following features

  • Easy to navigate and categorized product catalogue.
  • Quality full text search capabilities.
  • Payment gateway integration with CyberSource.
  • Integrated ERP systems for product & pricing information.
  • Custom built backend for order fulfilment, from Picklist to Packlist to Delivery Order.

Technologies used: microsoft sqlserver windows android ios

The Outcome: The new online portal was well received due to its easy to use interface. It also enhanced the overall lead time and service delivery measurements. The overall sales rose tremendously in general and festive specific microsites helped to multiple the orders making the online portal competing with normal outlets.

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