Digital commerce platform for Art Friend

Improving Direct Selling and Real Time Sales Visibility for Art Friend

Improving Direct Selling and Real Time Sales Visibility for Art Friend

About the Client: Art Friend has been serving fine art & graphic artists, hobbyists and companies in the design sector since 1981. It aims to bring the finest and best-priced materials to the customers.

The Customer Challenge:

  • To convey product information in a comprehensive manner.
  • To createonline channel for sales.
  • Open up to beyond Singapore.

The Solution and its benefits: Out of the box digital (e) commerce system and custom built solution to meet the business requirements and provide better user experience to consumers. The solution would enable rapid publishing of product information and new content, open up online sales, integrated inventory and financial accounting, customer management and engagement and secure and flexible. Other features include

  • Easy to use, cost effective and future proof.
  • Updates every day that can be installed at own pace – no big and costly upgrades.

Technologies used: mvc sqlserver windows server

The Outcome:

  • The portal improved direct selling and real-time visibility on sales.
  • Provided better consumer experience with more engaged audience.
  • Provided cost effective promotional offers to consumers.
  • Reaching out to more customers/prospects.

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