Innovative Factory Model with Smart Solutions

Innovative Factory Model with Smart Solutions

Innovative Factory Model with Smart Solutions

Client :

Our client is a Carbon black Manufacturer with 5000+ clients globally. Their customers are big-name brands of tire manufacturing, black pigment manufacturing, ink manufacturing, and plastic component manufacturing. With quality matching global standards, our client is helping their customers with world-class products.

The Challenge:

  • Our client lacked a single digital platform for process integration and SAP best practices for Material Management, Production, and Quality control.
  • There was a lack of quality checks at multiple levels, a lot of manual input, and unbalanced workloads. There was improper batch management and stock consolidation at the SFG level. RM And FG stock storage location management, reject material stock storage management, weighbridge management, and spare parts management for plant maintenance had to be implemented.

The Solution:

The overall solution covered the multiple scenarios of SAP solutions, field integration, software integration with MES, ASRS, LIMS, OT Data, QR code, and overall plant output increment by 1%. Yokogawa India Limited will provide and install the field devices (An equity partner of Web Synergies). The objective is to increase the plant output by 1%, decrease the manual workload, improve quality, ease system usage, data accuracy, and field integration.

Business Value Added

We optimized the plant output by an increment of 1%, reduced manual work by 70%, increased data accuracy, optimized data protection, improved dashboard designs for management executives, automated the weighbridge system, and achieved machine integration at all levels.

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